Article Comprov.13 of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement

Article Comprov.13 of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement: A Brief Overview

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) was signed on 24 December 2020, marking the end of the transition period following Brexit. The TCA is a comprehensive agreement that covers various aspects of the EU-UK relationship, including trade, security, and cooperation. One of the key provisions of the TCA is Article Comprov.13, which relates to the mutual recognition of professional qualifications.

Article Comprov.13 states that the EU and the UK shall provide for the recognition of professional qualifications, including those relating to regulated professions, which were obtained in the other party`s territory before the end of the transition period. This means that professionals who have obtained qualifications and accreditation in the EU or UK can continue to practice their professions in either jurisdiction without having to undergo additional training or accreditation.

However, it is important to note that the recognition of professional qualifications under Article Comprov.13 is subject to certain conditions and limitations. For example, the recognition of professional qualifications can be refused if there are significant differences between the qualifications of the two jurisdictions or if the professional is not able to provide evidence of having practiced their profession for a certain period of time. Additionally, the recognition of professional qualifications under Article Comprov.13 does not extend to the right to establish or provide services in the other party`s territory.

It is also worth mentioning that Article Comprov.13 does not apply to certain professions, such as lawyers, who are subject to separate agreements between the EU and UK. For these professions, the recognition of qualifications and the right to practice in the other jurisdiction will be governed by these separate agreements.

In conclusion, Article Comprov.13 of the TCA is an important provision that ensures the mutual recognition of professional qualifications between the EU and UK. This provision provides certainty and stability for professionals who have obtained qualifications and accreditation in either jurisdiction, allowing them to continue to practice their professions without additional training or accreditation. However, it is important to understand the limitations and conditions of recognition under this provision, as well as the separate arrangements for certain professions.