Ungkapan Agreement Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Expressions of Agreement in English

In any conversation or discussion, expressing agreement is essential to establishing a positive relationship and reaching a mutual understanding. In English, there are many expressions that people use to agree with one another. In this article, we will cover some of the most common expressions of agreement in English.

1. I agree.

This is the most common and straightforward way to express agreement. It is a simple and direct way to indicate that you agree with what someone else has said.

Example: “I think we should focus on improving our customer service.” “I agree.”

2. Absolutely!

This expression of agreement is more emphatic than “I agree.” It conveys a stronger sense of agreement and enthusiasm.

Example: “We should launch the new advertising campaign next week.” “Absolutely!”

3. You`re right.

This expression of agreement acknowledges that the person you are talking to has made a valid point and agrees with what they`ve said.

Example: “We should reduce our prices to attract more customers.” “You`re right, that could be a good strategy.”

4. That`s true.

This expression of agreement is similar to “you`re right” and acknowledges that the statement made is true.

Example: “We`ve been losing customers to our competitors.” “That`s true, and we need to take action to address it.”

5. I couldn`t agree more.

This expression of agreement is even stronger than “absolutely” and is used to indicate complete agreement with what someone has said.

Example: “We should focus on expanding our online presence.” “I couldn`t agree more. That`s where the market is heading.”

6. That`s a good point.

This expression of agreement indicates that you agree with what someone has said and that their point is valid and worth considering.

Example: “We need to improve our product`s quality.” “That`s a good point. We could get more repeat customers that way.”

In conclusion, expressing agreement is an important part of communication. Using these common expressions in English can help you convey your agreement in a clear and effective way. Whether you`re in a business meeting or a casual conversation with friends, using these expressions will help you establish rapport and build relationships.